
先前学习评估 allows you to use what you already know through relevant learning, 工作, 或者生活经验,并将其应用于学位. You can bring in as many as 90 credits towards a bachelors degree. Learn how you can maximize your life experience for a degree.



Count your prior life experiences toward graduation requirements for a certificate or degree program, 攒钱.


Reduce the number of required classes you need while applying your skills and knowledge to advance your dreams.


Focus on what you need to learn, not what you've already done, and take higher level courses sooner.

你做了工作. 现在获得学位. 

We want to hear your story and help you get where you want to be. Our goal is to meet you where you are and help you build the path to your success. 无论年龄, 你面临的要求或挑战, 不管你的职业道路是什么, 我们想和你一起寻找你的机会.

We recognize a number of formal and non-formal experiences and activities as prior learning.

  • Credit from an any two or four year college, no matter when you earned it
  • CLEP和其他标准化考试
  • 工作坊、证书、培训、 & 许可证
  • 自学的知识或技能
  • 军事训练和经历
  • 志愿工作和社区服务
  • 在企业和组织工作的经验

网赌的十大网站创建顺利, 易于浏览的前期学习评估过程(PLA). Our process is done online, and turn around for most assessments is under 14 days. We are excited to 工作 with you to identify what experience you have that can be translated into college credit. It costs nothing to go through the 先前学习评估 process, 我们在这里指导和支持你们.  这个解放军网站将为您提供这个过程, up-do-date information and a place to get all your questions answered to get you on the path you choose.


我们提供超过100种评估 & Approved credit opportunities for a variety of different disciplines including health fields, 执法, 紧急服务, 还有很多其他的.


学生可以要求他们进行职场培训, 证书培训, 工作经验被评估为大学学分.


RWU | UC also offers Challenge Exams for those students who have English as a second language or any level of previous language experience. Students may ear as many as 12 credits based on their language mastery.  我们提供以下语言的考试:

  • 法国
  • 西班牙语
  • 德国
  • 葡萄牙语
  • 意大利
  • 中国人
  • 拉丁

Exams are offered in our testing center on the last Wednesday of the month (adjustments will be made for holidays and university closures).

Challenge Exams may not be repeated and may not be taken for a grade replacement for previously completed courses or taken if any course in that subject is granted credit through 过往学习评估(PLA) - this also includes CLEP, DSST, RWU的解放军, 等.

在报名参加考试之后, you will receive confirmation and additional directions for taking the exam.


RWU | UC也提供数学挑战考试. 我们提供以下考试:

  • 大学代数
  • 现代世界的数学
  • 统计数据

Exams are offered in our testing center on the last Wednesday of the month (adjustments will be made for holidays and university closures).

Challenge Exams may not be repeated and may not be taken for a grade replacement for previously completed courses or taken if any course in that subject is granted credit through 过往学习评估(PLA) - this also includes CLEP, DSST, RWU的解放军, 等.

在报名参加考试之后, you will receive confirmation and additional directions for taking the exam.


The college accepts the results of multiple standardized exams for college credit, and makes use of the guide prepared by the American Council on Education (ACE) and other sources that contain evaluations of a wide variety of 培训 opportunities sponsored by the armed services, 业务, 行业, 劳工团体. Students need to achieve the scores recommended and published by the American Council on Education. Scores at or above the minimum will lead to equivalent credit for the associated RWU course, 但不授予字母等级.  

  • 大学水平考试计划(CLEP)
  • 大学预修考试(AP)
  • 科目标准化测验
  • The Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)

As much as three years of college credit (90 credits) may be granted for military 培训 and/or experience. 网赌的十大网站 awards credit for educational experiences during military service according to the recommendations of the American Council on Education as published in “The Guide to the Evaluation of Military Experiences in the Armed Services."

  • Army, Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps: Submit an official Joint Services Transcript. 


  • Air Force: Request an official transcript from the Community College of the Air Force for 工作 taken as an undergraduate, or from the Air University for 工作 taken as a graduate student.

We also accept previous versions of military documents such as the SMART transcript and AARTS. 其他版本的服务成员荣誉可能符合条件.  Please share with us your past experience if applicable so that we may acknowledge them if possible.

You may transfer up to ninety (90) credits of military credit as applicable. 你可以用其他的方式来组合转帐学分, but you may only transfer a combined total of 90 credits towards your bachelor’s degree.

We also accept previous versions of military documents such as the SMART transcript and AARTS. 其他版本的服务成员荣誉可能符合条件.  Please share with us your past experience if applicable so that we may acknowledge them if possible.

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"UC will look at who you are, where you are, and what you’ve done. 与顾问合作, you go through a course catalog and find out which courses match your experience. 这是一个巨大的资源.”